How to make lace front wigs out of your virgin hair bundles?

Lace front wigs have been a great alternative to regular wigs for years – and it’s no surprise. These wigs are often much more natural looking and realistic looking, as opposed to the normal everyday wig. The only downside to lace front wigs is that it can be expensive to purchase them all the time. So what can you do when you need to save money but don’t want to compromise on your hair? 

  1. Choose the Desired Material For Your Wig

To start, choose the type of hair you’d like for your wig. Some different types of hair can include body wave hairdeep wave hair, or straight hair. All are great options, regardless of your choice! The amount of hair bundles you need will be determined by the final length that you desire.

  1. Measure Your Lace Wig Cap

Next, use your measuring tools to measure your head and wig cap. It’s best to flatten the hair for the best measurements. 

  1. Place Your Lace Front Wig Cap on a Wig Block or a Wig Head Stand

Once the measuring is done, place the wig cap on the wig block. Secure the wig tightly on the wig block using pins. It’s important to keep the lace neat and smooth during this process.

  1. Sew the Hair

After securing the wig, you can start the sewing process. Sew in the hairline through the needle and work your way to the back with a U-shape pattern. It’s important to use tight bundles of hair. It’s important to repeatedly thread and knot the hair as you go. Be sure to check the hairline as you go to avoid making mistakes. Cut away pieces of extra lace that remains. Once the sewing is done, secure the wig back onto the wig block to make sure it fits properly.

  1. Attach the Wig

Finally, it’s time to attach the wig. Remove the hair from your face by tying it back. Then, use your preferred form of adhesive to apply a layer around your head. Once this is done, wait a few seconds before securing your wig on your head. Adjust the hairline and adhesive amount if needed until the lace front wig is completely secure.

Creating your own lace front wig isn’t rocket science; it just takes a bit of time and practice. However, if you’d rather save money and purchase a wig, you can choose the good quality lace front wig made from 100% virgin hair on HJ Weave Beauty’s official store.What the products you buy on HJ Weave Beauty usually can last up to a year even longer with your proper caring ways.You can trusted that HJ Weave Beauty only offer you the best kind of lace front wig with 100% natural.More details you can consult the professional customer services.

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