Transitioning tips to the beautiful you!

Converting back to natural is like taking on a new hobby; you have to learn everything from scratch, but here HJ WEAVE BEAUTY give you some tips to let your head start.

1.Be brave to chop hair. It is personal choice to cut off the hair because some may suit short hairstyles more than others and are able to style and manage the length better. And it not need to wait the hair to grow sufficiently but use clippers.

2. Keep it simple. Transitioning also means harvesting healthy growth and it helps to implement asimple hair care routine that will assist you on a daily basis. Moisturize your hair every day, and oil your scalp every other day to stimulate growth. Find a conditioner that works for your hair type and use a natural shampoo like the Stimulate and Cleanse to clear away build up.

3. Become a DIY specialist. Don’t rely too heavily on your stylist, but wash your hairand deep condition it weekly by yourself. To maintain healthy growth eliminate stress and stop unnecessary breakage by using a deep conditioner every time you wash.

4. Use premium hair care product. Choose effective products on transitioning hair. Natural hair loves natural ingredients. When your new growth gets longer what you will notice is a definite line of demarcation. That is the point where the natural hair ends and the old relaxed hair begins.

5. Use heat with caution.If you have just started your journey and are not ready to rock your texture, do not use heat regularly as a way to straighten your new kinks, as this will lead to damage and defeats the purpose of going natural! Use heat sparingly with a heat protector.

With these tips above you can change your hair be more charming and beautiful.If you have other good idea of transforming hair you can share us on the comment area below.

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